A Guide to Crypto Events in H2 2022

ARPA Official
6 min readApr 15, 2022


Dear ARPA community,

This article lists the top blockchain and cryptocurrency events that you do not want to miss in 2022 H2. If you happen to be a social butterfly who is looking for in-person events around the globe, we’ve got you covered!


Join for:

  • Well-established event since 2019;
  • Many cool artists to speak there, many NFT artworks to appreciate;
  • NFT enthusiasts’ Woodstock, full of fancy side/community events, dinners and parties;
  • Meeting the most creative NFT projects;

Time: June 20th — 23rd;

Location: New York

DeFi Security Summit & The Science of Blockchain Conference

Join for:

  • High-density knowledge sharing, hardcore tech info and industry research output;
  • DSS is SBC’s side event, the latter is a very well-established academic conference with 4 years of experience;
  • Compared to many conferences where speakers talk about way too general stuff, the topics at DSS’22 are very specific and highly related to security;
  • Speakers have thorough know-how in DeFi and security topics;
  • A lot of them are from leading DeFi protocols like MakerDAO, Aave, Compound and Curve, and with tech background;

Time: Aug 27th — 31st;

Location: Stanford University

Asia Crypto Week/TOKEN 2049

Join for:

  • F1 Singapore Grand Prix
  • The largest crypto event in Asia;
  • Speakers from leading companies, companies with Asian headquarters are likely to send delegates;
  • Might be a big-time comeback after the 2-year break (last time was in 2019 before the COVID);

Time: Sep 26th — Oct 2nd (the event has been rescheduled from May 2nd, there is a full ‘Asia Crypto Week’ of side events around TOKEN 2049);

Location: Singapore


For some blockchain and crypto veterans, expos might be less target-oriented if they look for networking with a certain group of people, as those events are usually crowded. But still, there are many reasons to go if not too much trouble to travel:

  • Industry leaders will come to give speeches (might as well the chance of selfies with them);
  • Get to talk to team members from the projects you might be interested in face to face;
  • Many traditional IT gurus will participate, there’s no harm to listen to their thoughts;
  • There will be plenty of co-located events, some might be very helpful for networking;
  • Fancy merchants from hundreds of project stands;

Blockchain Expo Europe/North America/Global

Link: https://blockchain-expo.com/europe/ (Sep 20th — 21st, Amsterdam)

Link: https://blockchain-expo.com/northamerica/ (Oct 5th — 6th, Santa Clara)

Link: https://blockchain-expo.com/global/ (Dec 1st — 2nd, London)

Future Blockchain Summit (Oct 10th -13rd, Dubai)

The 5th Future Blockchain Summit, the MENA region’s first and largest Blockchain conference and exhibition, serves as a meeting point for the world’s most disruptive business technology trends.

Over four days at the Future Blockchain Summit, industry experts will leverage countless networking opportunities, an expert conference programme and transformational workshops to explore distinct themes, including Blockchain for Enterprise, The Future of Digital Assets and Into the Metaverse.

Link: https://www.futureblockchainsummit.com/

For developers in Ethereum ecosystem

In H2, there are a dozen Ethereum community events scheduled across Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America. The following are those with a fixed date.

ETH Seattle (July 8th)

ETH Community Conference 5 & ETH Paris (July 19th — 21st)

ETH Warsaw (Sep 1st — 4th)

There are several other ETH community events organized by ETH Global, the schedules of which are yet to be finalized, including ETH Mexico City, ETH Warsaw, ETH Kyiv, ETH San Francisco, ETH Taipei, ETH Lisbon and ETH Bogota.

Keep an eye on ETHGlobal:

Thank you!

About ARPA

ARPA is a blockchain-based solution for privacy-preserving computation, enabled by Multi-Party Computation (“MPC”). Founded in April 2018, the goal of ARPA is to separate data utility from ownership and enable data renting. ARPA’s MPC protocol creates ways for multiple entities to collaboratively analyze data and extract data synergies while keeping each party’s data input private and secure. ARPA allows secret sharing of private data, and the correctness of computation is verifiable using the information-theoretic Message Authentication Code (MAC).

Developers can build privacy-preserving dApps on blockchains compatible with ARPA. Some immediate use cases include: credit anti-fraud, secure data wallet, precision marketing, joint AI model training, key management systems, etc. For example, banks using the ARPA network can share their credit blacklist for risk management purposes without exposing their customer data or privacy.

Team members have worked at leading institutions such as Google, Amazon, Huawei, Fosun, Tsinghua University, Fidelity Investments. ARPA is currently assisting the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology in setting the national standard for secure multi-party computation. ARPA is a corporate member of MPC Alliance and IEEE and is in partnership with fortune 500 companies to implement proofs-of-concept and MPC products. In 2019, ARPA was named the Top 10 most innovative blockchain companies in China by China Enterprise News and China Software Industry Association.

For more information about ARPA or to join our team, please contact us at about@arpachain.io.

Learn about ARPA’s recent official news:

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Telegram (Turkish): https://t.me/Arpa_Turkey

Telegram(Sri Lanka):https://t.me/arpa_srilanka


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ARPA Official

ARPA is a privacy-preserving blockchain infrastructure enabled by MPC. Learn more at arpachain.io